Intel NUC - Broadwell (5th Generation CPU)
it also depends on bitrate.

"For 4K BluRay with a bitrate of 100Mbps and 10 bit resolution, expect CPU decoders and hybrid decoders to be useless (?)* even with Haswell-E or Xeon processors.

We are going to need definitely pure fixed-function HW decoders for 4K BluRay.

On the other hand, 4K BluRay will appear on winter holidays of 2015, so until then, CPU and hybrid decoders are just fine for low bandwidth and low fps clips that HEVC is the best codec to use.

I have already encoded 4K H.264 and 4K H.265 up to 600Mbps (!) and I can say for sure that 4K H.264 performance of Haswell QuickSync decoder is about 190fps for 4K H.264 100Mbps clip at 1280x720 display resolution.

Intel and Nvidia decided to offer a hybrid solution now, which is a useful choice for low fps, low bandwidth clips even at 4K resolution and by the time of 4K BluRay arrival, fixed-function decoders will be ready.

Hopefully AMD will follow.

* according to these results by cyberbeing an overclocked CPU - even without HT - and a real fast Nvidia card can handle even more difficult to decode 4K HEVC clips at greater speed than my results.

But still 4K BluRay will be out of their reach I think."

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RE: Intel NUC - Broadwell (5th Generation CPU) - by tfouto - 2015-03-04, 12:21
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