DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available
an update with madVR

I solved the problem with the kodi gui but I had to disable something in d3d device


this is the cause of the loop when Kodi shows the gui, this it's a video


as you can see we lost the texture in this way :\

i should to speak with madshi or a kodi team member to ask about this thing

because i don't know where the problem come out... from madvr or kodi

anyway now i know why it's so difficult to implement madvr in dsplayer

Kodi and madVr are like two videogames based on Directx9 with theirs own graphic engine... (infact i found some reference to ogre3d in kodi)

mpc or other simple player don't have a graphics directx9 gui...

so you have to imagine to integrate tomb raider and pes together without frame issue Smile


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HELP!!! - by takiyon - 2014-12-28, 16:12
RE: DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available - by aracnoz - 2015-03-08, 19:48
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DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Frodo build available8