Linux VAAPI: Nuc, Chromebox, HSW, IVB, Baytrail with Ubuntu 14.04
How do you compare the frames? "Visually" or with some metric? Other in that thread are of fully different oppinion.

If it works for you, it's fine. I can only jugde from properties of the function byself:

Edit: In your case, make sure you "preblur" problematic images, to not emphasize those artifacts (unwanted edges) with the sharpening. Which needs an adaptive approach anyways.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

Messages In This Thread
EDID / HDMI Handshake workaround - by Ney - 2014-10-29, 13:58
Thank you! - by Sta11ion - 2015-01-02, 01:51
RE: VAAPI: Nuc, Chromebox, HSW, IVB, Baytrail with Ubuntu 14.04 - by fritsch - 2015-04-07, 17:08
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VAAPI: Nuc, Chromebox, HSW, IVB, Baytrail with Ubuntu 14.0416