DVBViewer Client Connection Lost
I’m running quite an old version of DVBViewer (v. and are loathed to update it as I numerous problems with updating my channel lists on the last update. I’ll update the RS when I can (I’ve forgotten my password and DVBViewer seem to take an age to respond to customer queries) and report back.

Although I’m not convinced that the issue is to do with the version of either DVBViewer or the RS.
When I enable any of the other PVR clients – say NextPVR – I get the same “connection lost” error message within Kodi. When I run a log of Kodi running NextPVR it has the same “failed to create add-on ........ PVR Client, status = 1” warning message; the same error message as if I try to run it with DVBViewer.

Here is the NextPVR log -

Here is the DVBViewer log -

I'm no great expert - as this thread is testament to ! - but it seems that there are errors with Kodi communicating with the PVR (whichever is enabled)?


Messages In This Thread
RE: DVBViewer Client Connection Lost - by billybob69 - 2015-04-12, 17:21
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