Improve extraction of streamdetails of video items
Or secondary option. Could the scan be called in more ways than just through the GUI? If the scan is fast enough to work during a GUI browsing session, surely it should be just as fast when doing a JSON browsing session or a UPnP browsing session (not sure if those are the same thing). It seems like a JSON call to the library should result in the same scanning task as a GUI call to the library.

edit: To be clear, I'm obviously not saying a JSON call does result in the same scanning right now. I'm saying that if we are happy with how a GUI call performs for the user, then wouldn't it make sense to try to alter JSON calls so they can do the same thing?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Improve extraction of streamdetails of video items - by natethomas - 2015-04-14, 10:28
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