Improve extraction of streamdetails of video items
IMO 2 is the most appropriate to do always, however we could add more power user functions to jsonrpc (which upnp could use) which could be useful. I.e. if a user starts scanning and the library and movie A is scanned (but hasn't probed stream details) they are able to append a param which signifies that its happy to wait for streamdetails (for example by asking for streamdetails in metadata). So if movie A is scanned but has no streamdetail (and scanning is currently being done) and a request goes through which requests stream details we do a probe for that files stream details and when the scan is completed that file will be skipped.
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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."

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RE: Improve extraction of streamdetails of video items - by topfs2 - 2015-04-16, 12:05
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