[HOW TO] KODI Linux on Amlogic TV Boxes
First of all thanks to everyone who is helping me with this issue. I really appreciate it.

Im not sure if I am making any headway but here is where i am at.

If I use the Boot card and short the pins I can get the Android logo to come up. The centre of the droid swirls around and the status bar underneath prgresses to about half way. After that the screen goes black for a second then the ember screen pops up again. After that the Kodi 14.2 logo comes up and gets stuck in a boot loop.

What is you advice now. Android revert, Ember, mxlinux flash, a large foot Smile what.

Posted are some pictures.

Thanks again



Messages In This Thread
Falling at the first hurdle - by malcolmbarr - 2014-02-16, 16:17
TVHeadend hangs at channel switch - by vvd214 - 2014-08-29, 09:20
RE: [HOW TO] KODI Linux on Geniatech Devices incl. Helix Builds - by ed_davidson - 2015-04-19, 16:16
. - by jon4248 - 2015-05-23, 17:00
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[HOW TO] KODI Linux on Amlogic TV Boxes5