'DITisTV' violating XBMC's GPLv2. Refusing to share source
I get it Ned,

I have changed the home page, "how it works page" and the products pages. Altho in Dutch, could you check the home and how it works page?


1) Am I allowed the use that "mede mogelijk gemaakt" and the logo at the home page?
2) At the how it works page; How is that first alinea? Does that do the job? (Maybe Kibje or Martijn could better check that one)

(I must admit, it feels very strange not give credit where credit is due)

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RE: 'DITisTV' violating XBMC's GPLv2. Refusing to share source - by j1nx - 2015-05-08, 10:35
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'DITisTV' violating XBMC's GPLv2. Refusing to share source2