ACCEPTED: On-the-Fly Transcoding
There's 2 kind of transcoding needs :

- The one when you use play to inside Kodi, that will at terms needs xml for specific devices that will not support X or Y codec. With Kodi automatically selecting the correct profile based on the target device.

- The one where something request the streaming and want some specific things, like on a phone, control over the final bandwidth required to play the media. This could be profile based too. But in the end for most users, the need will be a simple profile list and a max bandwidth list. There can't really be automated profiles as there's multiple needs and bandwidth is not related to device but to location of the device.

Messages In This Thread
ACCEPTED: On-the-Fly Transcoding - by mANm - 2015-03-16, 22:37
RE: Proposal - On-the-Fly Transcoding - by Tolriq - 2015-05-09, 08:42
RE: ACCEPTED: On-the-Fly Transcoding - by zag - 2015-07-04, 18:22
RE: ACCEPTED: On-the-Fly Transcoding - by zag - 2015-09-01, 23:51
RE: ACCEPTED: On-the-Fly Transcoding - by zag - 2015-09-22, 10:27
RE: ACCEPTED: On-the-Fly Transcoding - by zag - 2015-09-22, 11:30
RE: ACCEPTED: On-the-Fly Transcoding - by zag - 2015-09-22, 14:05
RE: ACCEPTED: On-the-Fly Transcoding - by zag - 2015-10-22, 10:57
RE: ACCEPTED: On-the-Fly Transcoding - by zag - 2016-03-03, 11:09
RE: ACCEPTED: On-the-Fly Transcoding - by zag - 2016-03-03, 14:36
RE: ACCEPTED: On-the-Fly Transcoding - by bry - 2016-08-22, 03:37
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ACCEPTED: On-the-Fly Transcoding1