Release WatchedList - service to automatically save/restore watched state
(2015-05-17, 05:00)TTTG Wrote: ...
I'm having another issue as well, the addon seems to just randomly decide to stop running the periodic update, restarting kodi will get it to start again and there is absolutely nothing in the logs (even with debug enabled for both the addon and kodi) to indicate why it happened. The last mention you see in the logs is the previous run completing successfully, then nothing else. Once it happens if i kick off the addon manually it runs fine with no errors reported. Don't suppose you've ever noticed this?
I never paid attention to that specific function. I will look into my logs after my HTPC ran for several hours and an update of WL should have happened. If this is really random, it will be hard to track though.

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RE: WatchedList - service to automatically save/restore watched state - by schapplm - 2015-05-17, 10:36
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