OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 15.0) Part 2
(2015-05-18, 21:11)Leopold Wrote: Yes definitely a Milhouse build. It's currently #0516b but I've had this behaviour since the feature was first introduced I think.

Can you upload your kodi.log?

You should have a pause when this line appears in the log:
20:10:55   9.952027 T:1968017408  NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
until the splash video has played out, when logging (and Kodi) continues.

With my Pi2, and the default splash video, I get this:
20:10:55   9.952027 T:1968017408  NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
20:11:00  14.830195 T:1968017408  NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Broadcom

which means Kodi is delayed by almost 5 seconds while it waits for the splash video to finish.

With my 1GHz Pi1, the delay is just over 3 seconds, as Kodi takes longer to start up:
18:06:39  18.789574 T:1967321088  NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
18:06:42  21.942234 T:1967321088  NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Broadcom

(2015-05-18, 20:54)Leopold Wrote: That's strange because for me Kodi quite often starts before the video finishes. I'm using the first one from this post.

Maybe you haven't converted this video correctly, or the fact it includes audio (AAC, 2 channel) has caused an issue, maybe the video player is crashing - if you can upload your converted video we can test it.
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RE: OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 15.0) Part 2 - by Milhouse - 2015-05-18, 21:41
How to install the builds - by kisas - 2015-05-24, 02:10
MVC 3D ISO Blu-ray - by Azimono - 2015-06-06, 14:28
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OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 15.0) Part 214