[RELEASE] Amazon Prime Instant Video (US/UK/DE)
@lordk - Thankyou so much. UK user here and from my tests it's been working perfect. Haven't had a hiccup yet. Can't comment for all the US users having issues but as far as UK user, your fixes and repo are great! Many thanks! Smile Signed up here just to say thankyou. Having Amazon Instant video working in XBMC is enough reason on it's own in my eyes to use XBMC, especially as I am using on an Android tv box and can now watch endless prime content (And purchased) all through my TV. Happy days! (btw I am using Gotham 13.2)

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RE: [RELEASE] Amazon Prime Instant Video (US/UK/DE) - by sirprancelot - 2015-05-21, 11:19
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[RELEASE] Amazon Prime Instant Video (US/UK/DE)6