Linux Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option.
(2015-05-25, 10:39)teeedubb Wrote:
(2015-05-25, 09:51)uNiversal Wrote:
(2015-05-25, 05:46)teeedubb Wrote: Sigh... I think you need to spend less time highlighting text and more time reading about the past... Let me phrase it this way for you - all the required libs "so that just like DVD's are currently handled in Kodi by dvdcss you would just insert a Bluray and not need makemkv or some other hacking around to play the bluray." are already included - except for the part that will get your house raided, computers and electronics seized, your ass dragged through the courts by a entity that has deep pockets and possibly get you thrown in jail.

I hope that helps you get the point....

Sigh... I think you need to spend less time highlighting text and more time reading about that's its not illegal in all countries. Currently in UK its now allowed to make copies of what you own, so laws chnage all the time and quoting stuff from 12 years ago isnt necessarily the point either.

FACT 1 you can pop a retail DVD in Kodi and it will be played.
FACT 2 you cannot pop a retail Bluray in Kodi and play it (without hacking around with this crap)

Of which my post again is about making FACT 2 to as easy as FACT 1 without incurring the wrath of these sort of replies.

* uNiversal usubscribed

But its not legal to break DRM:

Quote:Media such as DVDs are often protected by anti-copying technology to guard against copyright piracy, and this is protected by law. Copyright owners will still be able to apply this protection. However, if copy protection is too restrictive, you may raise a complaint with the Secretary of State.

So do you agree that you need to break DRM to play a bluray on a unlicensed player?

*uNiversal misses the point again

Actually it's you that's missed the point.

DVDs - Play
Blurays - No Play

DVDs are protected exactly the same as Blurays in most countries.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option. - by robo989 - 2015-06-04, 12:03
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Linux now has a completely working libaacs and libbdplus option.1