Mod ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)
I have been very busy. But will continue to appreciate your work. For some reason I have an off topic problem in my theater that prevents me get the full enjoyment of your hard work. Any kodi version (all after 13.2) will not give me fluent playback (23.976) This was not easy getting in the first place I remember. I will need to try other platforms I guess.
My current HTPC use a haswell i3 with HD4600 graphics, running Win7 and now again XBMC 13.2
I have had a look at the new skin on other computers and we are almost there skin-wise. Would love to know what you think is possible font-wise. Again, the size of most items is a problem in regular skins as well. I remember when I used to just shrink the GUI at max -20%. That helped a lot, but obviously did not show more info at the time.

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RE: Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector screens (Zoomed CIH) - by AEnz - 2015-06-16, 14:38
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ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)3