[OLD/CLOSED] PseudoTV Live - Set-Top box solution
Not sure if this is the right place or not...

Say I buy a Webcam and plug it into the Linux box I'm currently using for my Kodi box, everything is supported and works just fine out of the box. I take the webcam and aim it either out the window at the road by my apartment or I run the wire up over to the little glass window at the top of my door, positioned so hopefully I can see whoever it is knocking on my door.

Is there any way to run that as a channel 'one' in PTVL and use it as my default start channel?

Any recommendations on cameras? Are there relatively cheap cameras that I can stick somewhere and wirelessly operate without needing a ton of battery? I'm assuming small and no access to power outlets if I place down at the outside of the building. I'm just trying to see if something like this could work and be cool to do. Has anyone done anything like this before?

Messages In This Thread
RE: [FORK] - by jcaa6479 - 2013-07-16, 23:25
Re: RE: - by bry - 2013-07-19, 08:42
Audio Muting Consistently ? - by gjwAudio - 2013-08-18, 08:25
PTVL Anomalies... - by gjwAudio - 2013-08-25, 01:15
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RE: - by DLWhittet - 2013-10-13, 02:48
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RE: [FORK] - by Lunatixz - 2014-03-25, 18:21
Re: RE: - by Lunatixz - 2014-04-26, 17:10
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Re: RE: Update breaks autostart? - by bry - 2014-07-12, 13:44
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RE: [FORK] - by tromy - 2014-09-22, 19:14
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Options menu? - by Pendragon445 - 2014-11-02, 20:23
Prevent Stop Button - by GavinCampbell - 2014-11-13, 22:45
RE: [FORK] - by herpkektop - 2015-02-11, 11:22
RE: [FORK] - by herpkektop - 2015-02-11, 17:55
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RE: donation - by bornagainpenguin - 2015-06-11, 03:55
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[OLD/CLOSED] PseudoTV Live - Set-Top box solution45