OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 15.0) Part 2
All I can say is wow for the difference with the libnfs update over wifi.

Browsing UI is faster, starting videos is no lag now, and the stream is much less likely to go out of sync/speed or stutter.

Scanning/updating library was hella faster than before, switching profiles and booting as well.

I actually saw a buffering bar for the first time in like forever, where normally it would have frozen or playback would have went bonky.

It doesn't fix my problems over wifi 100% but the difference is night and day so far.

RPi2/MySQL Central DB/Wifi RTL8192DU/Local network NFS shares in kernel mode on media server

EDIT: big help.
Keeping show paused for hella long and now it starts right back up and plays fine

Only time I had my previous playback speed/sync fubarishness was after a 10min skip.

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How to install the builds - by kisas - 2015-05-24, 02:10
MVC 3D ISO Blu-ray - by Azimono - 2015-06-06, 14:28
RE: OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 15.0) Part 2 - by miigotu - 2015-06-25, 03:30
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OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 15.0) Part 214