Linux VAAPI: Nuc, Chromebox, HSW, IVB, Baytrail with Ubuntu 14.04
Hi Guys,

Sorry for asking such a stupid Smile question, I know you all hate them Smile But.
I'm going to buy a box to install Openelec/Ubuntu/Windows, It should be under 300$,
Could you recommend something? Should it be latest NUC (i3)?
Or ?

Thank you and again sorry for such a questions

Interested in:
1. Best performance / picture quality / responsiveness
2. FHD, no need for 4k
3. Playing Bluray's from SMB share
4. IP TV
5. Using with some univeral remote

At the moment I'm choosing between new NVidia Shield & "Black Box" (NUC, Chromebox, etc)

NVidia at the moment does not support some containers pit of the box plus it does not support some bitrates.
So it will take some time for them to polish their device....

Messages In This Thread
EDID / HDMI Handshake workaround - by Ney - 2014-10-29, 13:58
Thank you! - by Sta11ion - 2015-01-02, 01:51
RE: VAAPI: Nuc, Chromebox, HSW, IVB, Baytrail with Ubuntu 14.04 - by tom3m - 2015-07-02, 12:48
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VAAPI: Nuc, Chromebox, HSW, IVB, Baytrail with Ubuntu 14.0416