OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 16.0)
(2015-07-17, 16:55)zaphod24 Wrote: So far I've avoiding setting the over voltage so as not to set the warranty bit. Be interesting to see how your PI gets along after running for a bit.

You can remove the force_turbo=1 and then over_voltage is allowed without setting warranty bit.
Now as long as the arm is busy enough (it may be for 1080i video, especially if PVR is enabled) you should be in turbo mode all the time when playing.

If not, you can force the governor to be in turbo mode:
echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

(untested, but I think that may work). This doesn't set the warranty bit.

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RE: OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 16.0) - by popcornmix - 2015-07-17, 17:07
Bluetooth on #1003 - by cdvreede - 2015-10-13, 11:08
Re: RE: Bluetooth on #1003 - by Milhouse - 2015-10-13, 13:24
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OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 16.0)10