Mod ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)
The trigger for the moving the bars is not quite right. Play/pause seems to set them but nothing else that causes the bars to appear will (info, fast forward, etc).

Start by watching something 16:9 and make sure the bars are at the 16:9 position.
Stop playback and start something 21:9.
Press info - wrong position
Press fast forward - wrong position.
Press pause - It moves to the right position.

The opposite direction is actually worse since the mask will be active and it's likely the user will not do anything to cause it to be removed.
Start by watching something 21:9 and make sure the bars are at the 21:9 position.
Stop playback and start something 16:9.
The mask is in place to make the video appear to be 21:9.
Press info or fast forward - the bars are in the wrong position.
Press play or pause and the mask is removed / bars are moved to the correct position.

I would think the best place to set this is just before the video start playing (even though the bars are likely not visible) just not sure is that's possible.

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RE: Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector screens (Zoomed CIH) - by pfp-az - 2015-08-04, 06:22
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