Release P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi
(2015-08-09, 16:03)honorem Wrote:
(2015-08-08, 19:47)Amish Wrote:
(2015-04-04, 17:07)Bornnslippy Wrote: Can anyone tell me how to limit my upload as im uploading more than downloading which is causing me to be traffic managed by my internet company which is causing it to buffer freeze and stop

Ive limited the upload speed in the advanced settings of P2P but seems to have no affect

I just checked my speeds and im downloading at 300 - 400k and uploading 1400k

Anyway of reducing the upload as its killing my traffic management


I'm fighting the same issue. It seems to me that when the max upload speed is reached it causes the player (kodi) to freeze. Any one found a solution to this problem?
Ths in advance,

What OS are you running? have you tried changing the limits it in the application folder instead of in kodi?

(2015-08-09, 04:52)Amoghasiddhi Wrote: My problem is opposite. I want upload more! My internet plan is 50/25 Mbps, and i never up more than 300 kbps/average.

Have you forwarded the right ports? If you have, your ISP might be throttling your upload, in that case try a VPN with forwarding included.

The OS is android, the most strange thing is that it only happens from time to time and when watching a certain stream.
I did not forward any ports as I'm using 3 or 4 diferente clients (tablet, phone, TV box) but it works with all clients and most stream.
Could it be stream related?

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RE: P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi - by Amish - 2015-08-09, 18:11
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P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi14