Mod ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)
I'm playing about with the Silvo Mod, ..... slightly tempted to make that the next jump, although I had a quick look and there would be a lot to change!! If there are any views you spot in other Nox mods that you like let me know and I'll try and add the views in, instead of adding all the extra stuff. Not promising anything though Smile

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RE: Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector screens (Zoomed CIH) - by Funkd - 2015-08-13, 22:20
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ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)3