Release P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi
Pushed another update.
Version 0.1.3 - hopefully fixed now.

If you don't receive the update install it manually from here:

When running the addon (v 0.1.3) the acestreamengine should be downloaded automatically.

If you don't receive the update, let me know anyway. I don't think the addon is being updated and probably I have to create an external repository not built into the addon.

Also updated the release post.

Messages In This Thread
How to enter Sopcast link? - by qknet - 2014-11-21, 12:48
RE: P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi - by enen92 - 2015-08-19, 21:58
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P2P-Streams - SopCast and AceStream for Kodi14