Release PlayIt service : Play hosted video url remotely on XBMC
So I had a sec and thought I'd play with the bookmarklet and addons again this evening, and I somehow got the old Send to XBMC addon working but I like PlayIt better since I can que the videos. With the Send to XBMC one it stops the video and plays the new one.

I got to looking to see what other apps, addons, scripts, etc were out there for other OSes and browsers and was looking on the github and I found this which I got working now too . It's a greasemonkey script but also has a KODI program addon zip to install. Seems to work. The author says in the readme that he does other sites besides just youtube but I haven't tried any others yet. Anyway this may prove useful to someone. I wanted to share it with users who can't seem to get any other apps working and also with the devs that read this thread in case they can learn anything new or maybe help out with their addons possibly.

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by bnevets27 - 2011-12-31, 23:22
[No subject] - by jabba_29 - 2011-12-31, 23:29
[No subject] - by ztas - 2012-01-01, 02:54
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-01-02, 00:57
[No subject] - by macf1an - 2012-01-02, 11:18
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-01-02, 17:20
[No subject] - by FreeFighter - 2012-01-02, 18:49
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-01-02, 19:01
[No subject] - by FreeFighter - 2012-01-02, 19:13
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-01-02, 19:18
[No subject] - by FreeFighter - 2012-01-02, 19:19
[No subject] - by FishOil - 2012-01-02, 19:35
[No subject] - by samukas - 2012-01-02, 19:42
[No subject] - by FreeFighter - 2012-01-02, 19:42
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-01-02, 19:43
[No subject] - by chocolateboy - 2012-01-02, 21:24
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-01-03, 05:14
[No subject] - by ztas - 2012-01-03, 06:40
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-01-03, 09:13
[No subject] - by macf1an - 2012-01-03, 11:32
[No subject] - by ztas - 2012-01-03, 14:48
[No subject] - by FreeFighter - 2012-01-03, 17:08
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-01-03, 18:21
[No subject] - by ztas - 2012-01-04, 01:39
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-01-04, 09:03
[No subject] - by ztas - 2012-01-04, 15:09
[No subject] - by FreeFighter - 2012-01-04, 19:52
Absolutely Beautiful - by john.doe - 2012-01-04, 20:16
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-01-06, 07:37
Absolutely Brilliant!!!!! - by phileas50 - 2012-01-06, 11:28
[No subject] - by kushanagi - 2012-01-07, 22:05
[No subject] - by johnneeblaz - 2012-01-10, 05:14
[No subject] - by phileas50 - 2012-01-12, 16:54
[No subject] - by k_zeon - 2012-01-13, 21:41
[No subject] - by Chaos_666 - 2012-01-14, 16:25
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-01-15, 20:07
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-01-15, 20:09
[No subject] - by Chaos_666 - 2012-01-15, 20:11
[No subject] - by justash - 2012-01-25, 01:02
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-02-02, 03:56
[No subject] - by svenkatr - 2012-02-02, 04:47
[No subject] - by bikubay - 2012-02-02, 19:08
[No subject] - by atlas3266 - 2012-02-10, 11:45
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-02-11, 06:08
[No subject] - by atlas3266 - 2012-02-11, 16:31
[No subject] - by freak1 - 2012-02-13, 07:35
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-02-13, 08:02
[No subject] - by freak1 - 2012-02-14, 05:51
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-02-14, 06:13
[No subject] - by Alphazet - 2012-02-26, 01:36
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-02-27, 05:15
[No subject] - by Chaos_666 - 2012-02-27, 16:40
[No subject] - by ajay - 2012-02-28, 02:23
Very nice plugin - by lorddg - 2012-02-29, 14:17
[No subject] - by TechLife - 2012-03-03, 04:38
[No subject] - by Leonn - 2012-03-03, 14:34
[No subject] - by atlas3266 - 2012-03-07, 12:19
[No subject] - by didme - 2012-03-07, 22:27
[No subject] - by pedrotski - 2012-03-10, 05:56
PlayIt service: Adding new host? - by cosmic - 2014-02-05, 22:00
RE: PlayIt service : Play hosted video url remotely on XBMC - by TomFreeloader - 2015-08-30, 03:18
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PlayIt service : Play hosted video url remotely on XBMC11