- An Open Cocktail Database with API
Can't thank you enough for this, its pretty much exactly how I envisioned it.

Tested it properly today, and works nicely, very fast too. Are you using the small preview images for the smaller thumbnails?

Only a few minor comments that I can think of:

- Screensaver initial message moves away a bit too fast, maybe needs another second delay.
- Clicking on the ingredients in the lookup view could go back to the cocktail browser (or maybe a description of the ingredient if I put that in the DB)

Overall fantastic work, and also great GUI design, I love the soft edge selection textures.

Get it submitted to the Official Kodi Repo and I will try to get it mentioned in the next blog add-on showcase news item.

EDIT: Oh and could you make a new thread for the add-on? So we can keep this thread seperate for the site.

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RE: - An Open Cocktail Database with API - by zag - 2015-09-04, 10:23
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