Intel VAAPI howto with Leia v18 nightly based on Ubuntu 18.04 server
I've tested the new build with the Beebox N3000 (Intel Celeron N3000 - Braswell CPU).

Here are the results of some video files with HEVC (played via gigabit network):

Birds 1080p 24fps = works perfect, no skips and drops

Sintel 1080p 24fps = works smooth, but every few seconds 1 drop

Sintel 4k 24fps = same as 1080p, drops has nearly the same interval

Tears of Steel = works smooth, but also some drops every few seconds (interval is longer than by playing Sintel)

Big Buck Bunny 1080p 60fps = skipping all the time and some drops every few seconds

Big Buck Bunny 4k 60fps = skipping all the time and some drops every few seconds, but less than at 1080p Huh


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Intel VAAPI howto with Leia v18 nightly based on Ubuntu 18.04 server18