OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 16.0)
With regards to 3D iso playback. I am beginning to wonder if it is the structure of my files that is causing kodi to crash when I attempt to play in 3d as it only seems to affect certain files. Also, some will play for approximately 2 minutes and then crash Kodi. Does anyone know how to analyze the iso to determine if it is at fault? Although, I do own a Himedia player that plays all the files in 3D flawlessly

Messages In This Thread
RE: OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 16.0) - by scotty144 - 2015-09-29, 20:00
Bluetooth on #1003 - by cdvreede - 2015-10-13, 11:08
Re: RE: Bluetooth on #1003 - by Milhouse - 2015-10-13, 13:24
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OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 16.0)10