OS X Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick

I've discovered OS X: El Capitan's SMB works with XBMC Eden once more (for those users still using an old AppleTV or whatever that has Eden on it still). Meanwhile, NFS stopped working for some reason.

More detailed explanation:

I thought I'd mention this in case there are any other users using an old XBMC version (I'm using Eden on Gen1 ATVs to keep the original interface). With Mavericks (possibly Mountain Lion as well; I don't recall offhand), SMB stopped working in Eden (I know newer versions of Kodi fixed the SMB2 issue but I'm talking about Eden). I just upgraded from Mavericks to El Capitan and all of a sudden my NFS setup isn't working anymore (NFSD is running, but Eden can't find the shares for reasons unknown). So this lead me to look through the attached network drives again and all of a sudden SMB is working just fine with XBMC Eden once more (i.e. SMB3 on El Capitan must either work directly or automatically downgrade itself to SMB1 to work with Eden).

Basically, I have no idea why NFS isn't working since the upgrade, but OS X never did recognize that protocol as a sleep token to stay awake (i.e. if sleep was enabled, the computer would go to sleep even if XBMC was connected and using NFS on it). This will allow me to switch back to SMB and finally let my Mac go to sleep when not in use, but of course I'll have to redo all the meta data again (don't know of any way to change the protocol without wiping the meta data).
THEATER: 11.1.10 Atmos, Epson 3100 3D Projector, DaLite 92" screen, Mixed Dialog Lift  - PSB Speakers; Sources: PS4, LG UP875 UHD, Nvidia Shield (KODI), ATV4K, Zidoo X9S (ZDMC), LD, GameCube

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RE: Problem with SMB protocol after updating to Mac OS Maverick - by VonMagnum - 2015-10-02, 15:18
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