Deprecated PseudoLibrary - Strm Generator w/ Library Integration: AMAZON/HULU/NETFLIX
So I'm running into two minor problems and one minor question. I've gotten the addon to generate strm files. Everything is scraping correctly. My first problem is, how can I correct incorrect meta data? For example, Archer on Netflix, listed as "Archer (2009)" on TVDB is showing up as "Archer" some show from the 70's. I've tried renaming the show by right clicking on the folder in Kodi, then rescraping.....that didn't work. So then, I tried renaming the strm files themselves, then rescrapped, and that didn't work either. Do I need to put a special exception in settings2.xml?

My second error pertains to PseudoLibrary and PlayOn browser.....I get an error as soon as PseudoLibrary begins scraping. I haven't checked the log but I'm willing to bet its the same problem with the PlayOn Browser addon, because I have Amazon listed to scrape first in settings2.xml. The PlayOn Browser tells me my Amazon account info is wrong, but when I check it in PlayOn itself, it says it is correct. I'm not quite sure how to fix that. I'm also having an issue where not all of my Hulu subscriptions are having strm files generated for them. That one boggles me as well.

My question is this; What is the easiest way to add switchable profiles? I realize this is probably more of a skin feature, but I need easy use for my wife and kids. I want to set up a kids profile that just has kid programs, movies, etc.....possibly a profile that will allow a rating index, so everything TV-13 and under and PG-13 and under to show up. Any thoughts?

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CrackleR - by TheIrreverend - 2015-06-13, 17:15
RE: PseudoLibrary - Strm Generator w/ Library Integration: AMAZON/HULU/NETFLIX - by Borg-101 - 2015-10-09, 16:38
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PseudoLibrary - Strm Generator w/ Library Integration: AMAZON/HULU/NETFLIX5