Deprecated PseudoLibrary - Strm Generator w/ Library Integration: AMAZON/HULU/NETFLIX
(2015-10-19, 20:56)brohawk Wrote: I know, which is real a shame. Was hoping you might have ideas on working around Kodi's PVR limitations though. Take for example the live streams that the World News Live addon provides. I've used PL to generate strm files of those channels in the past. And if memory serves me correctly, there is a m3u8 address, along w/ a bunch of other stuff, in each of those strm folders. Was hoping you might be able to think of a way to extract the m3u8 from each strm folder and then compile them all into a m3u file, so they could then be used by a PVR backend?

Sorry... that's an extremely rare case, PL will generate strms. What you do with the strms and its links is up to you. Thanks
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CrackleR - by TheIrreverend - 2015-06-13, 17:15
RE: PseudoLibrary - Strm Generator w/ Library Integration: AMAZON/HULU/NETFLIX - by Lunatixz - 2015-10-19, 21:03
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PseudoLibrary - Strm Generator w/ Library Integration: AMAZON/HULU/NETFLIX5