OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 16.0)
I realize that these builds are "bleeding edge" as far as stability. That being said, I've noticed a trend in the last few days that I've not seen anybody reporting. Namely, a bunch of streaming addon's have suddenly stopped working for me. I get the whole "Streaming URL's go down all the time" stuff. However, I've been getting a lot of "Failed to load file, check error log for details" on many streams that work fine if I downgrade to an official build. I've had this happen with streams that may not be supported by the Kodi team, I'm not sure what are and what aren't, so I won't mention who. But I'll leave it simply as Video and Radio streams. Most notably was a local radio station that has been streaming the local weather for like the past 15 years, and I can access directly with a web browser. When I enable a full DEBUG log, and read through it, there are actually a bunch of indications that certain files aren't existing that the python scripts require. For instance, it will show that it is trying to render the audio stream then say the codec required was either missing, or not working correctly. Then Python would throw up errors about script line # xxxx stopping prematurely or whatever. It does this on a BUNCH of different streams and types. I've not been able to narrow down a specific file format or codec. It seems hit or miss. Using one addon for radio, I can play other local stations just fine, then others completely bomb out. The same is true with Video.. where others will play fine, and others won't start at all. Usually the streams are playable through alternative means (downgrading the OS build, playing on a computer, etc), so it's not like the url address's are down. I've attempted to distinguish if the problems are related to specific addons (where the authors would need to update for the new builds) but it seems more and more like the problem is with the build itself not having certain requirements that the addons rely on for use.

It's like 1am here right now, and I'm half asleep. But I wanted to report this in the hopes that maybe somebody else can provide a little light on it and come to a solution. I'll try replicating some of the errors tomorrow and try to save a log to a Dropbox for you guys to look at.

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Bluetooth on #1003 - by cdvreede - 2015-10-13, 11:08
Re: RE: Bluetooth on #1003 - by Milhouse - 2015-10-13, 13:24
RE: OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 16.0) - by hansolo77 - 2015-10-28, 07:08
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OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 16.0)10