[RELEASE] Amazon Prime Instant Video (US/UK/DE)
Hi everyone, in case you are running a computer that still has windows media center on it there is a great addin available to get amazon prime and it works pretty seamless.
Go here and download and install it http://sharepointsnapple.com/amazonmceaddin/
Once installed its fairly easy to use advance launcher to open directly to the amazon prime app
point advanced launcer at C:Windows/ehome/eshell.exe and then under arguments add this:

-launchcoded:{9547e03d-ccfc-4564-a097-856b99e42afa}\{615620d8-161b-4f48-8dd2-8354ae4da51d} /nostartupanimation

Than add the launcher as a favorite and you can from kodi access amazon prime video

The same site also has a way to put netflix back into media center and it is working too. you can do the same above and make an advanced launcher and under arguments add this
-launchcoded:{e6f46126-f8a9-4a97-9159-b70b07890112}\{982ea9d3-915c-4713-a3c8-99a4688b7c59} /nostartupanimation

Hope this helps out some of you. I just added it to my system so far it has been working awesome no issues playing anything either from prime or netlfix!

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RE: [RELEASE] Amazon Prime Instant Video (US/UK/DE) - by TearDrop1319 - 2015-10-29, 02:56
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[RELEASE] Amazon Prime Instant Video (US/UK/DE)6