Release [MOD] scrapers for TV shows and Movies
New features in 2.3.0

This update adds the ability for the scraper to read new offset attributes in the anime-list.xml, which should simplify a lot of the mappings in the list (specifically those for split-cour anime).

This release will only work on 13.0 (Gotham) or later. It will install on earlier versions but the episode mapping won't work at all. No tvdb plot/thumbnail will be retrieved for any episode.
Since the current stable version is 15.2 (Isengard), hopefully this won't actually affect anyone.

@TheFireKahuna: With this update, I've also pushed all the split-cour anime fixes (so Fate/Stay Night, etc. should all be fixed). I've also pushed fixes for the other issues, but double-check that last one, as the OVA was already mapping correctly - my guess is you have it named as S00E01 rather than S01E01 (or whatever your preferred naming scheme is). The OVA is the regular episode, the special episode is another live event thing with no corresponding match on tvdb. Without any mapping that special would have mapped to the first tvdb special, while the regular episode (with a mapping) would go to the second tvdb special episode... I hope that makes sense Huh

@PryMatrix: Thank you for making me aware of this issue. I've started working on a fix, but it's going to take a while to get it working properly. The problem is that the anidb category system (which was being used by the scraper as "genres") has been merged into the anidb tagging system (which was used to get "tags" (obviously)). With only one system in place, it's a lot harder to disentangle in a meaningful way.
The results will likely not be exactly the same as before.

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RE: - by scudlee - 2013-10-12, 17:42
RE: [RELEASE] [MOD] scrapers for TV shows and Movies - by scudlee - 2015-11-01, 20:36
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[MOD] scrapers for TV shows and Movies8