[RELEASE] Amazon Prime Instant Video (US/UK/DE)
(2015-09-28, 21:51)lwrcase Wrote: I've been tinkering around with the AJAX results from the Amazon.com US pages on XLordKX repo and have found that the results have changed. I made the following modifications to the default.py script that helped me with the issue of only retrieving the Original Series "Casanova" and "Sneaky Pete."

Modify the default.py script as follows:

find "def listMovies(url):"
and replace the code:
match = re.compile('csrf":"(.+?)"', re.DOTALL).findall(content)
match = re.compile('csrfToken":"(.+?)"', re.DOTALL).findall(content)

Also, find "if match and ">Prime Instant Video<" in entry:"
and replace with:
if match and ">Prime Video<" in entry:

making these modifications allowed me to view the movies again.

I will continue looking into the code for the TV shows and see if I can get those to come back up as well. I don't think this works for the watchlist or the playlist. I will look into those as well and post back. If someone else could make these modifications and let me know if it worked for them.



did the job, now i can see the folders, listing contents, but i get an error when trying to play content.....

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RE: [RELEASE] Amazon Prime Instant Video (US/UK/DE) - by oooh.oooh - 2015-11-15, 22:22
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[RELEASE] Amazon Prime Instant Video (US/UK/DE)6