[HOW TO] KODI Linux on Amlogic TV Boxes
Thanks for the replies ed_davidson and Grand Total. I tried every combo of files I could find in this thread for the recovery disc before I binned it. Ed, I tried your files - the bootloader only one wouldn't boot so I stopped there.

Anyhow, the bin has been emptied, so it is case closed. I suppose I should have offered it free to good home.

'Twas a good box but the Mxq S805 red tick I've got running Openelec is my favourite of the moment. I must resist the urge to tinker and remember if it 'aint bust......

Messages In This Thread
Falling at the first hurdle - by malcolmbarr - 2014-02-16, 16:17
TVHeadend hangs at channel switch - by vvd214 - 2014-08-29, 09:20
. - by jon4248 - 2015-05-23, 17:00
RE: [HOW TO] KODI Linux on Geniatech Devices incl. Helix Builds - by sonofdibnah - 2015-11-17, 19:16
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[HOW TO] KODI Linux on Amlogic TV Boxes5