Release Rapier 9.6.6 for Kodi 16 Jarvis [DEPRECATED]
Just when I thought my Kodi setup was decided I come across this skin and just from looking at the screens it seems like I will have to switch to it. Thank you for obvious hard work that must have gone into this.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [RELEASE] Rapier 9.0.0 for Kodi 16.x Jarvis - by MrCrispy - 2015-11-18, 05:44
RE: Rapier 9.6.3 for Kodi 16 Jarvis - by Gade - 2018-10-09, 06:57
RE: Rapier 9.6.3 for Kodi 16 Jarvis - by Gade - 2018-10-10, 10:23
RE: Rapier 9.6.3 for Kodi 16 Jarvis - by Gade - 2018-10-11, 10:51
RE: Rapier 9.6.3 for Kodi 16 Jarvis - by Gade - 2018-10-10, 10:25
RE: Rapier 9.6.3 for Kodi 16 Jarvis - by Gade - 2018-10-11, 10:40
RE: Rapier 9.6.3 for Kodi 16 Jarvis - by Gade - 2018-11-23, 10:20
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Rapier 9.6.6 for Kodi 16 Jarvis [DEPRECATED]2