Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - (no longer in development)
None of this makes much sense to me?
I know years ago, when searching Genre on whatever skin I was using at the time, Disaster was included in the list.
I did nothing special at all.
The genre was just there and sort listed typical Disaster titles.
Whenever and whatever changed, I have no idea?

So, I've been googling around.
IMDB lists genre(s) for every movie in the database.
The most recent popular 'Disaster' title that comes to mind is 'San Andreas'.
So I end up here at IMDB which is IMDB news regarding this title.

titled: "Dwayne Johnson’s ‘San Andreas’ Ready to Shake Up Disaster Movie Genre."
Note the words 'Disaster and Genre'.
So I navigate to the actual title in the database
The genres listed for this movie are Action, Drama, Thriller.
So I guess as you have pointed out, Disaster is a custom genre and will not be applied to any actual Disaster movies.
That makes perfect sense in a nonsense world to me.

Which leads me to ask, why are there jpg's specifically labeled Disaster in the Madnox addon?
One would assume because it's a default for Disaster genres or were they added to the skin as a head start for anyone who was going to edit custom .nfo's to substitute a Disaster genre and once you did, how was Disaster to be added to the genre list anyway? I can assure I will never add nfo's and custom edit them. I was hoping for a rational solution but it appears the movie industry has a better idea. The only workaround that does make sense is to create custom folders for missing custom genres, manually hand pick them from memory and link them as sources which in itself is rather clumsy.

It seems there are many funky genre .jpg's included in the skin.
They are about as adult as one could imagine so I won't list them.
I guess these too were added as 'Head starts' for folks who are going to edit nfo's for custom genre additions?

On another note, when scrolling the list of Genres, Confluence or this skin, there is an entry I wanted to clean up:
'music concert'.
It's all in lower case while every other genre starts with a cap.
I thought once I found the code for this error, it would guide me to add Disaster which now I understand isn't going to happen.
With what limited skills I have, I assume since the entire Genre thing shows this fault in Confluence too, it's not even skin related?
Fwiw, there is no .jpg's for 'music concert' even though it's in the genre list looking like it was ADDED after the fact.
Pretty confused about all of it.

The whole point is, when the family agrees 'Let's watch a disaster movie!', we get to search our entire collection and go from memory cuz a Disaster movie is considered action, drama, thriller etc, but never actually a Disaster flick?
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RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by Mike_Doc - 2015-06-29, 17:08
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by Mike_Doc - 2015-06-29, 17:08
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by Mike_Doc - 2015-06-29, 17:09
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by Mike_Doc - 2015-06-29, 17:09
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by Mike_Doc - 2015-06-29, 17:10
RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by Mike_Doc - 2015-06-29, 17:10
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RE: Aeon Madnox - Beta Release - by schimi2k - 2015-06-29, 17:12
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Aeon Madnox for Krypton / Jarvis - (no longer in development)39