MINIX NEO U1: (64bit AMLogic S905 / 10-bit 4K HEVC / HDMI 2.0)
All good points, thank you, many of which are why I still consider a Minix X6 to be somehow still good 'value' for my needs at this point (especially when buying multiple boxes for a household, the price adds up so it can be useful if non essential features and pricing can be shaved off without losing the quality and support side of things)

Certainly it's very important to match any box with your specific needs, and not just buy something because 'it seems like the best one'.
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Minix U1 Review - by hdmkv - 2015-12-01, 15:53
RE: MINIX NEO U1: (64bit AMLogic S905 / 10-bit 4K HEVC / HDMI 2.0) - by jmh2002 - 2015-12-01, 18:34
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MINIX NEO U1: (64bit AMLogic S905 / 10-bit 4K HEVC / HDMI 2.0)2