MovieLib - Your movie database on web
You need to have an old version of the script and files for the webserver as github provides not all data.
If you like use this
Inside you will find the script in version 1.4.1 and the necessary files for your webserver. As i find out it's the last version that works in my case.
If it's not working by overwriting the files on the webserver only you need to drop the movielib database and run the install from your webserver again to create a new instance and start from the scratch.
Simple overwrite the script.movielib in your Kodi addon folder restart Kodi and you are on version 1.4.1. Check the configuration in Kodi for the script.

I hope it's okay @reggs to post an old version. I didn't modify the files so they are the original. If not please leave me a message and i will delete the link and files.

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RE: MovieLib - Your movie database on web - by _Andy_ - 2015-12-07, 05:25
Last Post - by Jeffreywat - 2017-09-03, 14:02
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