Tips for coding python scripts / plugins compatible with Linux, Mac, Windows AND Xbox
Temhil Wrote:The main problem between the 2 platforms Linux/Mac and XBOX/windows is:
  • the format of the path,
  • certain os command does NOT return the same result depending on the OS
would it not be best to try to get those two root causes fixed in XBMC instead of working around them? Huh
...I am not sure if they should be classified as bugs or feature request but please submit new tickets on trac
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Messages In This Thread
Great but... - by Gamester17 - 2008-09-08, 22:48
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2008-09-08, 22:57
[No subject] - by Temhil - 2008-09-08, 23:30
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2008-09-08, 23:35
[No subject] - by Gamester17 - 2008-09-09, 10:33
[No subject] - by blittan - 2008-09-09, 23:48
[No subject] - by BigBellyBilly - 2008-09-12, 12:23
[No subject] - by Temhil - 2008-09-13, 00:44
[No subject] - by BigBellyBilly - 2008-09-13, 09:54
FIXED in XBMC Beta1 - by Temhil - 2008-10-07, 01:25
[No subject] - by Nuka1195 - 2008-10-07, 01:51
[No subject] - by blittan - 2008-10-07, 08:40
[No subject] - by CrashX - 2009-02-16, 05:11
[No subject] - by CrashX - 2009-02-17, 02:51
[No subject] - by BigBellyBilly - 2009-02-17, 13:24
[No subject] - by Nuka1195 - 2009-02-17, 15:33
[No subject] - by BigBellyBilly - 2009-02-17, 15:36
[No subject] - by plex - 2011-12-06, 12:47
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Tips for coding python scripts / plugins compatible with Linux, Mac, Windows AND Xbox2