MINIX NEO U1: (64bit AMLogic S905 / 10-bit 4K HEVC / HDMI 2.0)
I believe Koying has not had a chance to get the upgraded AML code into MINIX's XBMC edition yet. Code that contains the necessary HD Audio hooks to allow passthrough. Its still a WIP. The PCM Multi-channeling problems are a real worry.

No 23.976 output is a bit of a shock tho. Maybe that will come later along with more mature Firmware. If you don't need 10bit then the S812-H devices are still pretty decent.

Just for clarification, what video output does the S8XX series do again ?


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Minix U1 Review - by hdmkv - 2015-12-01, 15:53
RE: MINIX NEO U1: (64bit AMLogic S905 / 10-bit 4K HEVC / HDMI 2.0) - by wrxtasy - 2015-12-10, 05:07
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MINIX NEO U1: (64bit AMLogic S905 / 10-bit 4K HEVC / HDMI 2.0)2