NVIDIA Shield (Android TV set-top box)
I have the shield audio delay set to 0 and the hdmi set to 50hz. In kodi I have auto switch frame rate enabled. I am all on hdmi using my recevier as hdmi switch and the tv is always set to hdmi 1 from the receiver. I dont have any optical or audio return setup and I always use the receivet sound (TV speakers always muted).
Using the built in player or ES media player seems to not have this problem

Messages In This Thread
RE: NVIDIA Shield (Android TV set-top box) - by e3henri - 2015-12-20, 17:23
RE: 64bit XBMC - by nickr - 2015-12-30, 12:08
RE: 64bit XBMC - by Dark_Slayer - 2015-12-30, 21:03
RE: 64bit XBMC - by nickr - 2015-12-30, 23:56
Wierd artifact appearing - by foghat - 2016-12-09, 03:28
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NVIDIA Shield (Android TV set-top box)9