v16 Android pass-through test thread. EXPERIMENTAL!!!
Hi, 26th build test on shield TV and marantz sr7009

On all builds I have found that dts HD master audio works well. I have 2 problematic blu rays that I use as the benchmark because no matter how well the others work these seem to be off for one reason or another. I have found that the original build from the 21st works best so far with these, but not yet perfectly. They are both truehd soundtracks. Hunger games mockingjay and the notebook.

Today's build (thanks for doing it on boxing day by the way!) I had no sound whatsoever from Hunger games plus video jumps, and severe frame dropping in the notebook. I don't know what it is about these two blu rays (they are both 20gb + full remux). Everything else seemed fine!

Thanks again!

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RE: Android pass-through test thread. EXPERIMENTAL!!! - by chocco - 2015-12-26, 22:47
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Android pass-through test thread. EXPERIMENTAL!!!11