Android HiMedia H8 Octa & Zidoo X6 Pro: Comparative Review (RK3368 / 3D / HD Audio)
Futeko have just comfirmed that there will not be a new firmware before new year and now say that Himedia will not come with small fixes but only a full firmware when errors are fixed.

There are no info about when they then expect the new firmware but my guess is that it will arrive two days after Zidoo have a fully working firmware for the X6 as last time Himedia came with a fix.

The Q5 could be a good solution but Nogging say some wise words in this tread on page 41 that is good to think about for the future.

"But doesn't a wrapper around a non-Kodi player (particularly if that player is closed source) mean that you are at the mercy of HiMedia for Kodi updates. If they get bored or decide to concentrate on newer updates you don't have the option of installing your own Kodi builds (or those built by supporters of the platform)?

That's always my concern when closed source external player solutions are suggested, particularly as it goes against the whole point of Kodi and the Open Source movement. "

My advice, Return asap and buy an other box (other brand) before it´s to late.

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RE: HiMedia H8 Octa & Zidoo X6 Pro: Comparative Review (RK3368 / 3D / HD Audio) - by Kilroy - 2015-12-30, 17:06
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HiMedia H8 Octa & Zidoo X6 Pro: Comparative Review (RK3368 / 3D / HD Audio)3