Android HiMedia H8 Octa & Zidoo X6 Pro: Comparative Review (RK3368 / 3D / HD Audio)
C'mon Kilroy, I bought my Q5 and several other boxes. And, for boxes I do get for reviews, I spend plenty of time and energy (and often waste time) reviewing them for all Kodi users' benefit. I don't give them automatic glowing reviews and kiss a**. If you bought because of my 'C' grades for either box, then don't blame me. I stand by my reviews/grades for both those in post #1 of this thread.

And, I'm not suggesting HiMedia or Zidoo ignore their existing customers, but everyone who bought X6 and/or H8 did so on their own volition, maybe beLIEving all the marketing hype. I hope Zidoo and HiMedia continue trying to improve the X6 and H8 respectively, but they can only do so much w/this chip. All I'm saying is, based on Rockchip's past, I don't have much confidence in how much either Zidoo or HiMedia can really do in putting lipstick on this pig. I'd love to be proven wrong, for a Rockchip box to be shown a true home theater contender.
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RE: HiMedia H8 Octa & Zidoo X6 Pro: Comparative Review (RK3368 / 3D / HD Audio) - by hdmkv - 2015-12-31, 02:25
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