[split] /me resigning as Android maintainer
I really appreciate the hard work Koying has put in over the years and I think resigning is the wrong decision if it's based solely on this decision.

Yes it's disappointing that Kodi won't include this fix in final 16 release, but if we try and see it from their point of view (albeit I disagree);
They don't include changes at such a late stage in development (just before final release). They don't want to include it because it may break things for other users - which is why a full Beta program runs, whereas this is a confined test environment for one issue.
Yes it's fixed things for Shield TV, but it hasn't for others.
Kodi is being rewritten for 17, so the fix is already included in that, so this would only be to bridge the gap between 16 and 17.

I can understand their reluctance to include this just prior to final release and risk it having a bad impact on other users who have different systems and haven't been part of this small test group.
Especially when it's already being resolved in next release.

Strange that they ignored the suggestion to release a stand alone version with the fix included.
At least we have a fully working version here thanks to Koying.

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RE: Android pass-through test thread. EXPERIMENTAL!!! - by danlat1415 - 2015-12-31, 10:20
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[split] /me resigning as Android maintainer3