[split] /me resigning as Android maintainer
Some months ago it was me who suggested different treatments of the various platforms but it was rejected. Ned's response:

(2015-09-01, 21:17)Ned Scott Wrote: Because Kodi is a cross platform application, and it was decided a long time ago to not fragment development of core features.

I'm sure there are a ton of things we could do that are bleeding edge on Windows, but we don't because it wouldn't work on Linux. They are not "bugs" or "catching up" because one platform decided to change things.

The same question can be said in reverse: why should Windows users wait for ages because something breaks Linux? It doesn't matter how awesome a feature is if breaks all the other platforms. (It's fine if only one platform has a feature, so long as it isn't breaking other platforms).

Linux doesn't get a free pass because none of the other platforms get a free pass. It's called compromise. Maybe in the future it will be different as more of Kodi is modular, but for now all platforms need to be "in harmony". We all have to play in the same sandbox.

We can bring this discussion up again but certainly not in beta 5 stage short final to release.

Feel free to release some Android version that includes this hack but it won't be official Kodi Jarvis.

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RE: Android pass-through test thread. EXPERIMENTAL!!! - by FernetMenta - 2015-12-31, 12:48
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[split] /me resigning as Android maintainer3