[split] /me resigning as Android maintainer
(2015-12-31, 14:58)chocco Wrote: I agree that the real problem is potentially losing a fantastic developer. I know that Kodi will eventually get round to making these fixes, but the fact of the matter is that in one week, Koying has done for free something that will probably mean milllions of dollars in revenue for Nvidia (a Kodi sponsor) as people who were holding back buying a Shield because of the passthrough issue will now flood to buy one. Nvidia are probably kicking themselves for not paying Koying themselves erlier to make their year end accounts look better! All Kodi devs are excellent and to put in such commitment unpaid is truly staggering. From an Android perspective, losing Koying is a massive setback. As I said earlier though, he's given me a perfect build for my Shield which I won't need to update for a considerable period of time. You should release this officially as Kodi Shield interim APK. There's certainly no reason not to. And Koying should be on the New Years honours list as a result![/align]

I am exactly who you are talking about. I held out for a few months on buying the Shield and even after buying it I didn't set it up until I discovered this thread. I can imagine there are several other people who went through the same thought process. I am delighted with this experimental build and will use it until Kodi 17 is available.

This goes to show just how much of an impact that Koying's input has had and I hope that he changes his mind about resigning. I also hope that the rest of the Kodi team are able to adopt a more flexible approach to future interim releases. I can appreciate the need to ensure that only refined final products are released but there must be scope for occasional interim builds which address specific platform requirements. I can't imagine it would happen that often.

Thanks again for giving the added functionality I required for my Shield and I will likely be buying another one and encouraging my brothers to do the same.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Android pass-through test thread. EXPERIMENTAL!!! - by BayoD - 2015-12-31, 16:46
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[split] /me resigning as Android maintainer3