[split] /me resigning as Android maintainer
(2015-12-31, 23:48)fritsch Wrote: My proposal is as follows:
- Don't merge this code to Jarvis branch. It is dead code, already rewritten and replaced in our master branch anyways
- Release a special APK build on v16 for shield users. So those that need passthrough just can use it. It is so easy to provide a special build and post it here

(To be clear, this is not just the Shield that is affected.)

I missed this originally when replying. I don't think anyone has a problem with what you've proposed. That's basically what Martijn and Koying wanted to do, but just for all of Android by default. Considering that Koying is the main Android dev, it should be his call to make if it is stable enough or not. It should only fall upon other people when it affects master or the main Jarvis branch.

It probably should not be the default v16 build for all Android users, and it should just be a special build link. It looks risky to me, and I don't even understand the code. I don't understand the rush to get this in for Jarvis.

However, I don't have to agree with it, I just have to respect the people who oversee Android. Instead of that happening, Koying was stonewalled. The respect that was due to him was denied. Even if Koying and Martijn were wrong about the code, it was their call to make (as the lead Android dev and the release manager). That's the issue.

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RE: Android pass-through test thread. EXPERIMENTAL!!! - by Ned Scott - 2016-01-01, 01:21
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[split] /me resigning as Android maintainer3