[split] /me resigning as Android maintainer
(2016-01-01, 12:12)fritsch Wrote:
(2016-01-01, 12:06)danjames92 Wrote:
(2016-01-01, 08:21)ashleyw Wrote: is there any chance the internal fighting between team Kodi members could be kept on a different thread? I have great respect for all the work going on to create Kodi in general and the audio pass through work @Koying has been able to do in a short time - for me it has confirmed that my decision to dump a full blown windows 7 PC running Kodi for an Nvidia shield TV was the right decision - the family are certainly enjoying it much more.

What we are specifically discussing here is supposed to be about Android audio pass through - I can see all sides here, but at the end of the day, anyone with large media collections is simply looking for a solution for HD audio pass through. The Nvidia Shield TV is one of the few platforms that allows for this feature to be implemented, so perhaps it does need a different fork to keep things back on track until which stage the mainline Kodi branch is able to handle this specific feature entirely.

Ian Bird from Plex is in discussion with both Nvidia and Google with regards to HD audio pass through and the likelihood is that will be resolved in the next few months - so for me once this is resolved I'll keep using Kodi for the PVR front end and I'll shift my movie viewing (for local collection) away from PleXBMC back to native Plex for my local movies.

The infighting doesn't help the Kodi cause and I'm personally not a fan of forks as their use cases are always limited compared to the wider audience (which can slow innovation) but ultimately people just find whatever works best for them.

...but a big thanks to all on the Kodi Team both current and ex members for creating an incredible piece of software that has gone on to inspire many forks such as Plex etc. happy new year to you all!

IMO, proper HD audio passthrough will come in 17 before Plex does it in their app. Just so you're aware, the Plex team use their own codebase now so it's not really based of XBMC anymore. They seem to be ever so slow with development times over there (and that's speaking as a fan of their products). Compared to Kodi, it's like night and day. I wish it was faster but looks like shield owners will have to wait for proper implementations.

Plex has hired wm4 the mpv key developer. A very good developer we worked together in the past for VAAPI / EGL to get it into mpv. I think they will heavily speed up. But hey - kodi does not sell software - we write opensource code and everyone using our code or learning from our code (given credits of course, what he did) is a good thing.

@koying: To get this discussion away from users. I replied you in internal forum. Don't forget the outcome of the discussion you brought up: No platform has special rights, all advantages over android at this time, were decided to have to be delayed for v17 - to keep our idea of a cross platform player with all platforms having equal rights.

Yes I found that out recently as there is no GUI option to limited the RGB to 16 - 235 (like there is in Kodi) so had to make a mpv.conf edit which only works if I don't use hardware decoding! Always seems to be a compromise of some sort when it comes to Plex! Tongue Will stick with PleXBMC and Kodi for now, now if only those 17 alpha builds would start! Wink
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RE: Android pass-through test thread. EXPERIMENTAL!!! - by danjames92 - 2016-01-01, 12:26
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