[split] /me resigning as Android maintainer
I hope that a way is found for the various developers to regroup, re-center, and just plain get along -heck, five-year-olds have been known to be able to figure it out... I'd like to think I could expect more from obviously more intelligent, or at least smarter through life experience, developers! ;-)

It seems inevitable that there should be some differences in implementation from one platform to another, especially as each is dependent to some degree on varying OSes, hardware, APIs, etc.. Despite core code being written to guide overall development(?), each platform should be independently implemented and not held back because other developers or platforms cannot move forward for whatever reason. Frankly, that small bit of polite competition that would inspire should help keep all development on all platforms moving ahead at the best speeds.

I think you have to allow each platform's development team to decide just how far they are willing to stick their necks out beyond core and let them deal with the fallout should they goof. It's rather obvious that accountability should be doled out in equal measure to power, and vice-versa. If you would hold someone accountable for something, then you must grant them equal authority to deal with the situation as they see fit.

This sort of stuff is probably why I have always stuck to being a one man band in term's of developing code or designing hardware, or doing both, unless I was able to delegate within certain boundaries and manage expectations. I was very lucky to have the support of great collaborators when I undertook a large project and we all agreed with the notion that I was in charge, ultimately responsible, so my decisions would be final, but that anytime we wished we could all engage in open discussion and would entirely put ego aside and decide directions or implementations based on which way worked best, not on who suggested it. I'd simply rather have the best outcome, with no regard to who thought of it. Ego should not enter into design decisions. If what I propose has holes that I've failed to see, expose them, as the final result will be stronger.

All that said, if Koying does not come back, we all will have lost a great developer and proponent of KODI for Android and we will all be the lesser for it. Koying, I hope you find a way to deal with this issue in such a way that you can come back to something you have done so very well with! No matter which way the wind blows, I'd like to personally thank you for all you've done on the Android platform as well as putting up with me in a few cases where opinions differed, or more accurately where I may have not been as informed as I'd thought. Good on you for all the work you've done and all the enjoyment you've provided for so many Android users to date. THANK YOU.

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RE: [split] /me resigning as Android maintainer - by technisol - 2016-01-03, 08:13
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